Oct 1, 2010

Entourage Season 7 - DONE!

Recently I have been very busy with work combined with leading a WoW-guild which has taken up alot of my time. However I finally managed to take some time off to relax and update the latest Entourage-playlist.

The 7th season of the HBO-series "Entourage" came to an end a couple of weeks ago. And boy, what an eventful season it has been! As you might have understood from the post I made when Entourage was on again I wasn't too happy about the first episode of the season. However it didn't take more then 1-2 more episodes for the show to make me very interested in it again. All characters have been stuggeling with something (and still was at the end of the last episode). Especially Ari who's in a deep family crysis, and Vince with a drug-addiction. I can't wait for season 8 to come out!

However the Spotify Playlist for Entourage Season 7 is complete. As usual there are songs missing that isn't on Spotify. I might post song-lists soon with info on which songs that are in the playlists and the ones missing. However this might take a while. Season 7 is the only playlist I was smart enough to write down the missing songs when putting the playlsit together.

Anywhoozle! Here it is! The playlist that is: Entourage - Season 7 (URI: spotify:user:dassetzo:playlist:6x4GoZldiHnUijrMacY2EC).
